A faster website means more visitors. Our modern UK infrastructure means the fastest possible downloads.
Our support team is entirely UK based. We're available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by telephone, web and email.
All our hosting, staff, servers, network and billing is done right here in London, UK
UK WordPress hosting. Comes with free migration or "Zero-Click" install, backup and support to get you started whether you're just starting out or migrating a fully functional site. We've built or hosted hundreds of WordPress websites so you will be in safe hands. Includes our managed wordpress service FREE for the first year.
Tools like Joomla!®, Wordpress® and Drupal® have revolutionised web publishing for the ordinary user. Now creating web pages and editing content is as easy as reading your email. We will even set up the software for you, so you only need your web browser to get started.
It's never been easier to publish a website, so what are you waiting for? You could be up and running within an hour.
With NO Call out charge or travelling fees, we offer a full on-site support service to home users and business users throughout East and Mid Devon, with a labour rate that is lower than ANY other business.
Our hosting service has been 100% British since 1999, when the company was founded. We took the decision we didn't want to outsource our most important assets - our staff - to far away territories. That's why our team are all based right here in London. We're close to our customers, we're close to our network, and we're close to the market we serve.
All original content copyright 2015 Techstar UK